Thursday, October 27, 2005

It Feels Like The First Time

Hello? Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone home?

Never one to miss out entirely on a trend, The Grillmaster has decided to take the great leap into the blogosphere. To ward off boredom, insanity, and a general dulling of the wits, you'll find me shouting into the empty abyss of cyberspace on a quasi-regular basis in this space. I can promise neither coherance nor relevance, but this I do vow: I'll keep gabbing away as if somebody's listening.

'But what's on the menu, oh Grillmaster?'. Well, any pit jockey will tell you that the beauty of fire is that it roasts indiscriminately. Steak or chicken, appetizers or dessert, Supreme Court Nominees or World Series Champions. Sometimes with a big ball of lighter fluid-fed flames, others with a slow sweet hickory smoke. Yes, that's an overly stylized, poorly metaphored excuse for writing whatever the hell I want. Only-children don't deal well with constraints.

C'est ca for now. I'll be checking in again from time to time as events of note come to my attention. Friends don't let friends grill with gas...